I Still Love the Name “Janethe”

I Still Love the Name “Janethe”

I was transcribing a New York City deed from 1816 yesterday when I came across the name “Janethe.” It struck me that it might be pronounced “ja-nee-tha” which I thought was quite beautiful.

” … Gabriel Hatfield and Barnes Hatfield of the City of New York and Janethe wife of the said Gabriel Hatfield and Mary the wife of said Barnes Hatfield …”

Wait a minute. Why does the deed say “Janethe wife of” in the first instance and “Mary the wife of” in the second?

Oh! I see. But, I still think Janethe would be a beautiful name.


Header image from New York County, Conveyances, v. 116, p. 83, Gabriel Hatfield with wife Jane and Barnes Hatfield with wife Mary to Mary Garrick, 12 April 1816, recorded 22 April 1816 ; digital image, “Conveyances, 1654-1866,” FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/313652 : accessed 12 March 2019) > DGS 7178156 > image 277.

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