14 Day Challenge #1: Identify a Research Question

14 Day Challenge #1: Identify a Research Question

[I’m participating in the 14 Day Mini Research Like a Pro Challenge. Thanks to Diana and Nicole at Family Locket for sharing their expertise and guiding us through the experience.]

In mid-2018, I finished the eighteen-month version of the ProGen study group experience and if there’s one thing I learned, it’s the power of researching right.

My ProGen colleague, Diana Elder, has collaborated with her daughter, Nicole Dyer, to write Research Like a Pro, a book that makes the genealogical research process accessible to anyone and I’m a  big fan of their weekly podcast that goes by the same name.

So, when I heard they’d organized a 14 Day Mini Research Like a Pro Challenge, I decided to join.

Today’s assignment is to review our family tree to pick a simple research question to serve as the foundation for the next two weeks’ research focus. Usually, I work on my husband’s lines–many of his grandfathers through the generations were merchants who left fascinating histories behind–but this time I decided to look at my own ancestors.

I’ve decided to focus on Nicholas Connelly, a great-great grandfather on my mother’s side. And, specifically, I’ve decided to try to answer the question of when and where he died. In the process of looking for answers, I believe I will have a chance to gain a better understanding of what sources are available for researching deaths in England in the late 1800s or early 1900s and that should be useful as I continue my research.

If you’re interested in joining the challenge, I’ll bet it’s not too late! 🙂

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